
Cancelling Your OnSIP Account

If you wish to close your OnSIP account, you can do so at any time. Due to security and privacy concerns, we require you to submit the cancellation request while you are logged into the OnSIP App as an Admin. Please follow these steps to send us your cancellation notice:

  1. Log into with your SIP address and Password. (If you’ve forgotten your password, click on the Forgot Password link and follow the instructions.)
  2. Once logged in, select your Avatar or initials in the right corner and select Account & Payment.
  3. Then, scroll to Need Help? Contact our Support Team and click Support Team.
  4. Choose Billing from the Configuration dropdown menu and enter Cancel my Account in the Subject.  In the details area, feel free to use our suggested template as your cancellation message:

        To whom it may concern,

        I wish to close my OnSIP account, and permanently remove all features, services, and phone numbers.

        I am closing my account for the following reason (please provide the reason for closing ):


        I have ported the following phone numbers to my new service provider (please provide the new service provider name):


       Any other phone numbers on my account can be returned to the OnSIP database for reuse by other OnSIP customers.


We are always sorry to see customers go, and any information or suggestions on how we can improve will always be appreciated.

     5. When completed, select the Submit button to send your message to us.


Finding Your Phone Numbers

If you are unsure about which phone numbers are on your account, you can find them by selecting the Administrators tab from the top right and choosing Phone Numbers from the left menu options. All phone numbers currently on your account will be listed there.

It is important that we are notified of any phone numbers that you have ported away or plan to port to another carrier in the immediate future. Doing so will help us prevent a phone number that you are actively using from being redistributed to another customer.

Note that if you delete a phone number from your account, it will be returned to our pool of numbers, where it will be made available for reuse. Please let us know which phone numbers you have ported away so that we can make sure those numbers are removed from our database.

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