You have the ability to share your computer screen with a video caller when you answer a video call from your sayso call button, your company's Team Page, or your own Personal Page.
How to Share Your Screen With a Video Caller
1) Ensure that you are logged into the OnSIP web app or OnSIP desktop app.
2) When you receive a video call from your sayso button, your company's Team Page, or your Personal Page, answer the call using the 'Answer with video' button on the incoming call notification screen in the web or desktop app. This button has the video camera icon on it.
3) In the call handling buttons underneath the video feed, find the screen share button (the left-most one). The button has a laptop image + white arrow overlaid on it.
4) When you want to start sharing your screen with the caller, click on that button. You can start the screen share at any time during your video call.
5) A popup titled 'Share your screen' will appear. Tabs in the popup will allow you to choose what screen you want to share with the caller: Your entire screen, an open application window, or an open tab in your browser window. Select which screen you want to start sharing, and then click on the Share button.
6) You will then be sharing that particular screen with the video caller. In the OnSIP app, you will see new buttons at the top of the active call screen. One of those buttons allows you to Pause the screen share. Note that when you pause the screen share, the video caller will see a black screen in her sayso call view. To resume the screen share, just click on the Resume share button (the Resume button will take the place of the Pause button while a screen share is paused).
7) The other button allows you to End the screen share. Simply click on that button to end the screen share entirely. You can always restart a new screen share later on in the same call if you wish.
Things to Be Aware of With Screen Share
1) Note that the video caller cannot share her screen with your call agent—only the call agent (when using the web or desktop app) can share his screen with the video caller.
2) Also note that if the caller makes a voice (audio-only) call from your sayso call button, your company's Team Page, or your own Personal Page, you will not be able the share your computer screen (the screen share button will not be visible). Screen share only works when a video call is made.
Created May 2020