May 2017
This devices requires manual configuration and is not found in the OnSIP Admin Portal for boot server. It is a 4 FXS port gateway that allows analog phones or fax machines and traditional analog PBX systems to connect to a VoIP system or provider.
Step 1: Gather information for each user.
Each user has a set of credentials which will be needed to configure each phone. For each phone that you are configuring, obtain the following:
- SIP Address (Address of Record)
- SIP Password
- Auth Username
- Username
- Proxy/Domain
You can find this information in the user detail pages under the Users tab in the Phone Configuration section in the OnSIP Admin Portal.
Step 2: Log into your Grandstream phone through a web browser
Type the web default address: into your web browser. You should see the following login screen. The default password = admin
On Basic Settings tab, under NAT/DHCP Server section WAN side Http/Telnet access = YES:
On Basic Settings tab, under IP Address, select dynamically assigned via DHCP:
Step 3. Change Default Password
Set in Advance Settings tab, change Admin Password to a personal value. This value will change the default admin that was used to access the phone menu in Step 2 above. This is not a mandatory step but we do recommend that you change the password.
Step 4. Enter your user information from Step 1.
You will need to simply configure Profile1
- Profile Active: Yes
- Primary SIP Server: "Domain"
- Outbound Proxy: ""
- Use DNS SRV: "Yes"
- SIP Registration: "Yes"
- Unregister on Reboot: "No"
- NAT Traversal / STUN: "No"
On FXS Ports tab, set the following:
- SIP User ID: "Username"
- Authenticate ID: "Auth Username"
- Authenticate Password: "SIP Password"
- Name: Whatever you would like others to see when you call them
- Profile ID: Profile1
Step 5. Register device
Click UPDATE at the bottom of the configuration page then click to view your changes and then click the REBOOT on the phone menu screen. **Make sure you click UPDATE before clicking REBOOT to make sure your changes are implemented correctly.