
How to Install the Desktop App for Mac

Updated June 3, 2019

OnSIP users on a Mac computer have two options for downloading the desktop app - from the Mac App Store (recommended) or as a DMG file (direct download). Both can be accessed by visiting the desktop app download page.

Downloading from the Mac App Store

First, click on the orange Install OnSIP for Mac button on the app download page.

OnSIP app Download Page

This will open to a preview of the OnSIP app listing in your browser and prompt a popup window asking if you wish to open it in the Mac App Store. Click on Open App Store to continue. Your computer will then launch the Mac App Store from your dock and display the OnSIP app listing.

OnSIP app - Mac App Store prompt

Note: If you have set your Mac App Store location to outside the United States, the OnSIP app will not be available for download from the Mac App Store. If so, you must use the direct download option instead.

On the top left-hand side of the window, you will see the OnSIP logo next to the app description. Click on the blue button labeled Get underneath the logo to begin downloading the app.

OnSIP app in the Mac App Store

The blue Get button will turn green, and the button text will change to Install App. Click on the Install App button to start the download process.

If you aren’t logged into the App Store, you will be required to enter your Apple ID username and password. Do so in the appropriate fields, and then click on the Sign In button.

Signing into the App Store

Another popup window will appear asking if you want to require a password when you make purchases from the App Store on your computer. Click on one of the two buttons (Always Require or Require After 15 Minutes) to proceed.

Mac App Store password prompt

You will be required to enter your Apple ID username and password again. Enter your credentials in the associated fields, and click on the Get button.

Enter your App Store user credentials again

The app will start downloading to your computer. When the installation process is complete, the green Install App button in the App Store will turn blue, and the text will change to Open. Click on the Open button to access the desktop app.

App Store installation process

Scroll down this article for more information on logging into the desktop app for the first time.

OnSIP users that download the desktop app directly from the Mac App Store will automatically be updated to the latest version of the app.

Downloading from the DMG File

Alternatively, Mac users can also download the current version of the desktop app directly to their computers as a DMG file.

To access the file, click on the link labeled Direct Download next to the version number underneath the orange Install OnSIP for Mac button.

OnSIP app download page

The file will automatically start downloading to your computer. Once the download is complete, open the file from your browser’s download bar or folder (depending on which browser you are using).

After the file is opened, a popup window will appear. Select the OnSIP icon and drag it to the blue Applications folder icon. Doing so will add the OnSIP desktop app to your Applications folder.

Drag the 'OnSIP' icon to your Applications folder

Next, open the Applications folder by double-clicking on the folder icon. Locate OnSIP in the list and double-click on it to open the app.

Open 'OnSIP' from your Applications folder

The app window will open and display the login page.

When a new version is available, users will see a button with Update Now in their instance of the desktop app.

Logging In for the First Time

To log into the desktop app, enter your SIP address and password into the corresponding fields and click on the blue Log In button.


A pop-up window may appear asking if you wish to store your user credentials in the Keychain app on your computer. Clicking on Always Allow will enable the auto-login feature so that each time you open the app you will automatically be logged in, without having to enter your username or password. Clicking on Allow will enable the auto-login feature for this time only. And clicking on Deny will prevent the app from accessing your password, meaning that you will need to enter your username and password each time you wish to log into the app.

Keychain prompt window

If you have forgotten your password, click on the Forgot Password? link and enter your SIP address. Click on Send Email to receive an email with instructions for how to reset your password. Note that the email will be sent to the email address associated with the SIP address entered. If you don’t know your SIP address, click on the Forgot SIP Address? link and follow the steps to retrieve it.

For more information on how to use the OnSIP app once you’ve logged in, please see our main OnSIP app Knowledgebase article.

Release Notes

Notes for each release can also be found here. The posts will detail new features, improvements, bug fixes, and other relevant details upon each new version release of the app. These notes will apply to all instances of the OnSIP app (both web and desktop).


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