
Grandstream Boot Server

The OnSIP Boot Server serves the latest tested and verified firmware version and user settings for the following models.

Supported Grandstream models: DP750,GAC2500,GRP2612/GRP2612P,GRP2613,GRP2614,GRP2615,GRP2616,GRP2624,GRP2634,GRP2670, GXP1160, GXP1165, GXP1405, GXP1450, GXP1610, GXP1620, GXP1625, GXP1628, GXP1630, GXP1760/GXP1760W, GXP1780, GXP1782, GXP2100, GXP2110, GXP2120,GXP2124, GXP2130, GXP2135, GXP2140, GXP2160,GXP2170, GXP2200, GXV3140, GXV3175, GXV3240, GXV3275, GXV3350, GXV3370, GXV3380, GXW4216, GXW4224, GXW4232, HT502, HT503, HT701, HT702, HT704, HT801, HT802, HT812, HT813, HT814,HT818, GAC2500,WP810, WP820, WP822 (use WP820 model)

Security Alert

Do NOT put phones on public IP addresses directly on the Internet. If you have no other option, you must at least disable port 80 (WWW) inbound to any phone device. If this precaution is not taken, we are not liable for any charges you may incur due to outside access to those phones.

Step 1: Reset your phone to its factory defaults

Click the menu button on your phone. In the onscreen menus, select "Config" (or maybe "Systems") > "Factory Reset"

Step 2: Find the Mac Address of your phone and enter it into the OnSIP admin portal

You can find your phone's Mac Address printed underneath it. Enter it into the OnSIP admin portal and assign your phone a user. 

Step 3: Add to your Grandstream phone

Find the IP address of your phone. In most cases, you should see your phone's IP address on your phone's home screen under the Grandstream name. Enter that IP address into your web browser to log in to Grandstream's web-based device configuration tool. The default admin username and password is simply 'admin'.  Note:  if the IP is HTTP:// do NOT use https.

*For the DP720/DP750 with starting HW version 1.7A the default admin username is ‘admin’ while the admin password is a random password that can be found on the sticker at the back of the unit. For lower hardware versions, the default username and password are still admin/admin.


Various Grandstream Models are listed below.  Use your search key to find the model you need:

If using Grandstream DP750 or GXP1620 click on "Maintenance" > "Provisioning" and scroll down on the page until you see"Upgrade Via" > select "HTTP", in the "Config Server Path", which is where you would add  Save and apply settings. DP750 ONLY- Go to the base and restart the base.  Remember once the base registers you may need to re-pare the handset.

If using Grandstream GXP2100 with version or higher firmware: Click on "Maintenance" > "Upgrade and Provisioning" and scroll down on the page until you see"Upgrade Via" > select "HTTP", in the "Config Server Path" add

Click "Save and Apply".  Click "Reboot" and the phone will read the new configuration, connect to the config server and download the new config. While this is happening, it's not apparent that the phone is doing anything (about 2 minutes). Afterward, your phone will automatically reboot once again before it's ready to be used.


Note: If using the Grandstream GXP2130, GXP2135, GXP2140, GXP2160, GXP2170, if it does not register try the following via the phone menu - System - Upgrade - Start Provision 

GS_GXP2140_regissue1_Sep2017.JPG GS_GXP2140_regissue3_Sept2017.JPG GS_GXP2140_regissue2_Sept2017.JPG


If using Grandstream GXV3240 or GXV3275 select Maintenance > Upgrade > Config > Config Upgrade Via select HTTP from dropdown and then > Config Server Path and type in  Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select "Save".  In upper right in the blue banner select "Reboot".  This will reboot your phone, which could take upwards of 2-minutes.  The phone will then restart on its own and register to OnSIP Boot Server.  You will know when it's registered because the User's name will be displayed and there will be a green icon to the left of the name.

If using Grandstream GXV3240, GXV3275, GAC2500, or WP820 with firmware, you must turn off the "Use Grandstream GAPS" option to enter the boot server address.  Once you have turned this off, you will see the proper place to enter the "Config Server Path" as shown below:

DHCP Option 66 Disable:

In the WWW interface for the phone on the same screen as the Config, you should see an option for: "Allow DHCP Option 43 and Option 66 to Override Server".  Set that to "No".

If using Grandstream WP820 select Maintenance -> Upgrade -> Config File

  • Use Grandstream GAPS => uncheck/disable
  • Config Upgrade Via => select HTTP
  • Config Server Path => type
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen => select Save

The phone will then restart on its own and register to OnSIP Boot Server.


If using Grandstream HT8xx  (this is an ATA [analog to telephone adaptor]) select Advanced Settings -> 


  • Firmware UPgrade and Provisioning => select HTTP
  • Config Server Path => type
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen => select Save

The phone will then restart on its own and register to OnSIP Boot Server.



If using an older model Grandstream phone or one not listed, the image below may be helpful:

Click on "Settings" > "Advanced Settings" and scroll down on the page until you see "Upgrade via". Make sure that "HTTP" is checked.

Upgrade via http

Below that, you should see the field labeled "Config server path". Enter "" in this field. Finish it off by scrolling down on the page and clicking the "Update" button at the bottom.

Checking Status:

To check to see if the phone is using, on the phone itself, choose the home screen and choose the "System" icon.  From there, choose the 'Upgrade' option.  There you will see the "Config Server" settings.

To check the local network settings on the phone, on the phone itself, choose the home screen and choose the "Status" icon.  Then choose "Network Status".  That will tell you the DHCP information gathered from the phone.


* You should not use the boot server if you have multiple VoIP providers configured on your phone, as it provides a minimal configuration for OnSIP service that may cause problems for your other providers. 

* Bluetooth Headsets (as of March 2017):  It is not recommended to use Bluetooth headsets with Grandstream model phones, specifically the GXP2170 & GXP2160 (others are also noted in links provided below).  The headsets paired with the phones create an audio loop feedback issue that Grandstream is aware of but has no resolution as of this update.

* If you intend to use a static IP or wish any form of manual configuration for this make of phone, we recommend first provisioning the phone to the boot server then removing the provisioning server before adding your static IP or other manual configurations you need.  If you don't remove the boot server, your manual configurations will be overwritten.

Grandstream phones that use Android as the underlying OS can not use BLF buttons for blind transfer. That includes (so far) the 22xx and 33xx series.

Revised March 2021


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