
InstaCall Events in Google Analytics

To view InstaCall-related events in your Google Analytics, go to your list of Top Events under Behavior > Events. Look for ‘instacall/InstaCall_Name’ under the event category column, where InstaCall_Name is the unique name you selected during the creation of the InstaCall button.

Event Actions

Selecting an InstaCall event category will allow you to see several Event Actions. These are:

  • ButtonClick - The number of times the "InstaCall" button on your webpage is clicked
  • callDialed - The number of times your site visitors clicked on the "Connect Now" / "Call buttons"
  • callStart - The number of times InstaCall calls were answered
  • callEnded - The number of times InstaCall calls were terminated. Note that failed calls / calls where the user closes the window before ending the call will not be counted here.
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