If you are interested in porting your NumberBarn phone number(s) to OnSIP, please have your NumberBarn account admin navigate to https://help.numberbarn.com and follow the steps to obtain the account information and PIN # for each phone number you're interested in porting.
- Login to your NumberBarn account
- Select Numbers
- Select the number(s) that you are porting out
- Click the Port Out tab to obtain the information that OnSIP will need to port your number(s)
You can provide the NumberBarn account information and PIN # to OnSIP when submitting your port request, or when returning your signed LOA (authorization) form.
In place of a traditional bill copy, you can supply OnSIP with screenshots from your NumberBarn web portal showing the phone numbers to be ported, the name and the address on the account. The number you are porting out can be used as the BTN (Billing telephone number).
Note: We make every attempt to work with all telephone service providers. However, certain local or regional guidelines may preclude your current provider from releasing your number.