
Call Detail Report (CDR)


The OnSIP Reports tab provides summary CDR information broken down by User for outbound calls and by the Billable User for inbound calls.  Only one Billable User can be configured per phone number for inbound calls.  Please note, the User that you choose in the "Assign call detail report to" (Billable User) under Phone Numbers is who's name the inbound calls for the number will appear under. This does not mean the inbound calls were sent to or answered by that User.

The CDR does not provide a breakdown of how the call made it to a specific User or feature.  For that type of reporting, one would want an Enhanced Queue or use an API.


Reading the Account Summary Report

  1. Navigate to the "Reports" page and select the date and time zone you would like to review. Then, select “Download CSV” or “Print”.

  1. The summary for the time frame chosen above will be displayed in the body of the page. The summary totals for inbound minutes, outbound minutes, and cost are at the top of the page. Each of the previous metrics is then broken down by the user in a table under the totals. 
  2. Downloading Detailed Call Reports:  OnSIP allows you to download the current time period's call detail records (CDRs) as a CSV file from the Reports page. Simply click the "Download CSV" link near the top of the page to retrieve an in-depth breakdown of all calls in the specified time frame. Call duration in the CSV is in seconds.


Reading User's Summary Report

  1. In the User sub totals section, click on the “” to the right of the User name you want to view.
  2. The report is broken down by call type, i.e. inbound, outbound, toll-free, and on network calls. The second column of each row displays the number of minutes used, the third column displays the number of calls, and the fourth column displays the total cost of the current call type. The cost of all of this user's calls for the given time range is the value listed in the user's summary row, under Total User Cost.

  1. To view the full call detail report for the user, select “View call detail report” This will allow you to view the time and date, caller id, from and to, minutes and cost of each individual call.
  2. You also have the option to download a .csv of that users calls by selecting “Download CSV”.


Reading the Downloaded .CSV file

Once you download your .csv file into whatever program you plan on using, here is what each of the fields mean:

CDR ID: More for OnSIP's use, you could pare this out of your sort

User ID: More for OnSIP's use, you could pare this out of your sort


  • If this says "UTC" you may want to go back to your Reports tab >change the timezone > generate a report > download .csv file again
  • When call was first dialed/start of call

Caller ID: self-explanatory

Source: Number that was Called or Number User Called

Destination: Reverse of Source (number the Caller dialed or number User is calling)


  • Answered = call was answered
  • Unanswered = no one answered the call and caller/callee hung up
  • Failed = Unable to complete the call (inbound or outbound) / never connects

Length: call duration reported in seconds

Price: total cost of call

Cost: placeholder / not used

Answer Date: typical the same as DateTime

End Date Time (UTC):

  • If this says "UTC" you may want to go back to your Reports tab >change the timezone > generate a report > download .csv file again
  • When call was ended


  • Termination - Outbound call placed by User
  • Origination - Inbound call

Name: for OnSIP use, you could pare this out of your sort

Auth User Name: for OnSIP use, you could pare this out of your sort


Please Note: SIP to SIP (this includes extension to extension calling) will not appear on the reports. The reports only reflect charged calls.

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