If you are an OnSIP customer and have ever tried to dial 311 you may have noticed that the call does not go through. This is because 311 is not a standard emergency service; instead, it's a local routing for your city municipality or a Citizen Service Center. Simply dialing 311 in OnSIP will not result in the expected phone call. However, there is a solution.
As most of you may know, 311 is a non-emergency number used in many communities in both the United States and Canada; several European countries have begun to use 311 as well. It's an all-purpose number allowing residents to instantly obtain non-emergency services in their communities.
For New York City, the 10-digit number that maps to 311 is 212-NEW-YORK, or 212-639-9675. You will need to know your community's 10-digit number in order to proceed with the instructions below. You can Google "what is the number for 3-1-1 in my city" to find the local phone number to proceed below.
Now that you have obtained your 10-digit number, you are ready to begin. The first thing you'll want to do is log into app.onsip.com with your account information.
- Navigate to "Administrators"
- Click on "Outbound call settings"
- Select "External phone number" and click on "Add external phone number"
- Get that 10-digit number handy. Enter in a descriptive Name for this external phone number; enter the 10-digit number into the External phone number field; use the Report call activity under dropdown and select a user; and select an Outbound Caller ID.
- Click on + Add extension, enter 311 in the Add extension field, and click on the + to add the extension.
- Click on "Save and exit."
Your new external phone number for 311 has been created!