
Grandstream Handytone 502

The Grandstream HT503 and HT502 are compatible with the OnSIP boot server and as such, you should use those instructions to register the phone.

Note: The Grandstream Handytone is an Analog Telephony Adapter. It is designed to be a low cost way to connect an existing analog telephone to a SIP network. As it does not operate strictly like a dedicated SIP Phone, you may notice irregularities in how the phone you've plugged into the Handytone behaves. Before determining if this is an ideal device for use by your organization it is HIGHLY recommended that you research the device.

OnSIP does not support faxing over VoIP and as such we do not suggest that you use this in an attempt to replace an existing fax line. You may also have issue with similar devices such as remote access systems, security alarms and other devices. OnSIP Interoperability Tests are designed to test voice interoperability between other SIP devices and the PSTN. Research is the best way to avoid potential interoperability issues. 


Grandstream now allows public download of documentation and software at:

ATA network configuration completed.

The following instructions assume your ATA has successfully booted and completed network configuration including obtaining valid IP addresses for itself, an IP gateway and DNS servers either via DHCP, manual or other means (refer to your ATA's documentation) and that your ATA is running with factory defaults.

ATA is running firmware release or better.

You can find the firmware version your ATA is currently running by logging into the device's webpage and checking the Status screen. If you are running a version prior to, please upgrade your phone's software before proceeding (refer to your phone's documentation).

Step 1: Gather information for each user

Each user has a set of credentials which will be needed to configure the ATA. For each ATA that you are configuring, obtain the following:

  • "SIP Address" (Address of Record)
  • "SIP Password"
  • "Auth Username"
  • "Username"
  • "Proxy/Domain"

You can find this information in the user detail pages under the "Users" tab in the "Phone Configuration" section.

Phone configuration section 

Step 2: Log into your Grandstream ATA through a web browser

When your phone is powered on and connected to your LAN, use a browser to navigate to the IP address of your phone. To locate the IP address of your ATA, hit *** on the analog phone and then 02 when prompted for a menu selection. The IP address will be read back to you. The default password is "admin". Once you've logged in, you should see a page with the following heading.

Select "FXS Port1".

Page heading

Step 3: Enter your user information from Step 1

For most setups, you will need to simply configure "Account 1". If you are trying to configure multiple users or multiple line appearances, you can repeat the steps below for each of the identities you are configuring.

Steps to configure users

  • Account Active: Yes
  • Primary SIP Server: "Domain"
  • Outbound Proxy:
  • SIP User ID: "Username"
  • Authenticate ID: "Auth Username"
  • Authenticate Password: "SIP Password"
  • Name: Whatever you would like others to see when you call them. 

Step 4: Set your Codecs

Scroll down until you can see this section and set accordingly

Codecs section

Click "Update" button and then choose to "Reboot".
Note: The ATA has a timeout on the interface. If you hit 'update' and the ATA returns to the login page and your changes were not saved, it timed out. Make your changes more quickly and hit "Update" to save them.

In the following field under "Account" settings: Make sure Send DTMF: via RTP (RFC2833) is checked. Uncheck any other options.

Step 5: Confirm that your ATA is registered

In the Admin Portal, click on the "Users" tab. You will see a green "online" notation next to each user with a registered ATA.


If you are experiencing trouble, double-check your settings as described above and be sure to verify that your password was entered correctly without any leading or trailing spaces. If you are still having problems with your ATA configuration, please see our troubleshooting section for further help.


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