
Linksys and Sipura Phones (SPA Phones)

Boot Server

Please see the SPA Boot Server Documentation

The following documentation is legacy and available for information purposed only. 


Linksys allows public download of documentation and software on their website.

Phone network configuration completed.

The following instructions assume your phone has successfully booted and completed network configuration including obtaining valid IP addresses for itself, an IP gateway and DNS servers either via DHCP, manual or other means (refer to your phone's documentation) and that your phone is running with factory defaults.

Phone is running firmware release 5.1.15 or better.

You can find the firmware version your phone is currently running by using the "Menu" button (looks like a dog-eared piece of paper) on your phone and navigating to "Product Info" -> "Software Version". If you are running a version prior to 5.1.15, please upgrade your phone's software before proceeding (refer to your phone's documentation).

Step 1: Gather information for each user.

Each user has a set of credentials which will be needed to configure each phone. For each phone that you are configuring, obtain the following:

  • "SIP Address" (Address of Record)
  • "SIP Password"
  • "Auth Username"
  • "Username"
  • "Domain"
  • "Outbound Proxy"

You can find this information in the user detail pages under the "Users" tab in the "Phone Configuration" section.

Phone configuration section

Step 2: Log into your Linksys/Sipura phone through a web browser

  1. You will need the IP address of the Linksys/Sipura device. Touch the "Menu" key on the phone and choose 9 for Network. You will see the CurrentIP of the phone displayed. (For an analog adaptor, via a touch tone telephone attached to the PHONE port, press the start key four times (****) to enter the Sipura Configuration Menu. Enter 110# to hear the IP address.) Take note of the IP address. You will need it later. An IP address is in the format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. A typical IP address is something like or for example.
  2. Run a web browser application on the same network as the Linksys device. Type the following into the browser address bar to access the web-based configuration portal:
    http://(linksys ip address) /admin/advanced where the (sipura ip address) is the IP address you obtained in Step 4 above.
  3. Now select the "EXT 1" tab at the top of the page.

Step 3. Enter your user information from Step 1.

Now select the EXT 1 tab at the top of the page.

Make the following changes:

Under the "General" heading:

  • Line Enable = yes

Under the "NAT Settings" heading:

  • NAT Mapping Enable = no
  • NAT Keep Alive Enable = no

NAT settings

Under the heading "SIP Settings"

  • SIP Remote-Party-ID: no
  • Without the above step, the phone will send calls as "From: Anonymous" and OnSIP will return "403 Forbidden" on any calls requiring authentication. Extension to extension calls will work just fine. So, this is one potential way to make a phone an extension to extension call only phone if you so desire.

Under the heading "Call Feature Settings"

  • Blind Attn-Xfer Enable: yes

Call feature settings

Under the "Proxy and Registration" heading:

  • Proxy: = "Domain" (from Step 1 above)
  • Outbound Proxy: =
  • Use Outbound Proxy: = Yes
  • Use OB Proxy In Dialog: = Yes
  • Register: = Yes
  • Register Expires: 3600

Proxy and registration

Under the "Subscriber Information" heading:

  • Display name = (whatever you like)
  • User id = "Username" (from Step 1 above)
  • Password = "SIP Password" (from Step 1 above)
  • Use Auth ID = yes
  • Auth ID = "Auth Username" (from Step 1 above)

Subscriber information

Under the "Call Feature Settings" heading:

For example, if your domain is, your MOH server is:

Example MOH server

Click "Submit All Changes" Button and wait for Sipura device to reboot.

Click on the "System" tab.
Scroll down to the "Optional Network Configuration" section.
Change "DNS Query TTL Ignore" equal to "no".

Optional network configuration section

Disable CDP on at the bottom of the system page. (With CDP enabled, you can get one-way or no audio. The phone will not send audio with CDP enabled in most cases.)

Click "Submit All Changes" Button and wait for Sipura device to reboot.

Lastly - RTP Packet Size:
Once the phone reboots from above, choose the "SIP" tab.

  • Scroll down to the "RTP Parameters" Section.
  • Find the field called: "RTP Packet Size:"
  • By default it is set to 0.030
  • Change it to 0.020

Scroll to the bottom and choose "Submit all Changes"

Step 4. Confirm that your phone is registered.

In the User portal, click on the "Users" tab. You will see a green "online" notation next to each user with a registered phone. 

Optional - Set the Time

Choose the "System" tab. Under the "Optional Network Configuration" section enter "" as the 'Primary NTP Server'.
Choose the "Regional" tab. Under the "Miscellaneous" section choose the "Time Zone" item and choose the appropriate GMT offset. East Coast is -5 and West Coast is -8. 


If you are experiencing trouble, double-check your settings as described above and be sure to verify that your password was entered correctly without any leading or trailing spaces. If you are still having problems with your phone configuration, please see our troubleshooting section for further help. 

Blind Transfer

Blind Transfer on the Cisco SPA 504g.

When on a call, hit the right arrow on thye round navigation wheel.
You will see an option btrxfer.
Input the number to transfer to and hit the dial.


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