
Linking an International Phone Number to an Inbound Bridge 


To Create an inbound bridge application 

  1. Go to the “Administrators” tab and click on the "Inbound Call Settings" . 

  1. Choose "Inbound Bridge," then "Add Inbound Bridge". We charge $1.95 per month for the bridge and a half-cent per minute for calls. 

  1. Give the bridge a descriptive name 

  1. Select the bill to person (usually the account admin) and choose a destination. 

  1. Click on "Save and Exit" 

  1. Open the newly created inbound bridge app and make a note of its SIP address (in my case its

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Using Flowroute

To open a Flowroute account, go to 

  1. Log into your Flowroute manage account and go to 'Interconnection' on the left, followed by 'Inbound Routes' at the top. 

  1. Under 'Add New Route', add a memorable alias for 'Alias for Route', use the dropdown that reads 'Host' to change the route to 'URI', and in 'Enter SIP URI', put in the SIP Address from your newly created OnSIP Inbound Bridge, adding a 'sip:' at the beginning.Graphical user interface, text, application

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  1. Hit     Text

Description automatically generated with low confidence   to save the new route; it should appear now in your list of inbound routes: 

  1. Finally, to start routing DIDs to this URI; go to 'DIDs' on the left, check the boxes next to the DIDs you'd like to route to your OnSIP Inbound Bridge using this URI, and click 'Choose a DID Action' at the top 

  • Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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  1. Choose 'Set Route', then click the orange 'Apply Action' button to the right 

  1. Click the 'Search for a route...' box on the next page and a dropdown containing all your inbound routes will appear. If you have a large number of routes, you can type a few letters of the route or alias to filter for it. Once you've found the route with this URI and selected it, click the green 'Set Route' button in the lower right. 


Create a DID WW Account ( 

  1. Log into your account. 

  1. Click the DID Numbers link on the top right OR on the left of the screen, select Country and your Phone Number, save. 

  1. Click on Trunks on the left side of screen 

  1. Fill in / select the following information then, submit: 

  • Friendly name > Whatever you'd like 

  • Preferred Server > United States 

  • Username > First half of SIP Address for Inbound Bridge 

  • Host > Second half of SIP Address for Inbound Bridge 

  • Resolve DNS SRV Record > Place checkmark here 

  • Selected Codec under Media & DTMF > PCMU, PCMA, GSM, Telephone-Event 

  • Advanced Signalling Settings > Uncheck SST Accept 501 

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Graphical user interface, application

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Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Activation by DIDWW can take as long as a couple of days. You will receive an email with your account information from them. If everything goes according to plan, then calls to your international number will provision to your OnSIP PBX. 



Please note:OnSIP has no formal business relationship with DID WW and is not responsible for numbers purchased through them. This post uses DID WW as an example of a company that offers international phone numbers. You can use this post as a guide for provisioning DID's, purchased through your preferred international carrier. You will need to use the OnSIPinbound bridge application to comply withRFC 3515. 


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