Use business hour rules to direct incoming calls to different destinations based on the time and day of the week. For instance, if between 9 AM and 5 PM on Monday through Friday you would like to send calls directly to your main attendant menu, and to an announcement stating that you are closed during all other times, then you may use business hour rules for this situation.
Creating Business Hour Rules
- In, click on the "Administrators" tab. Then, click on "Inbound Call Settings" , then select "Business Hour Rule" > "Create Rule".
- Choose a descriptive name for your rule.
- Set the time zone you are in.
- Enter the hours of operation for this business hour rule. For each day of the week, choose the beginning time and ending time for this rule.
- If open route calls to: This destination will receive incoming calls from the business hour rule only during the 'open' hours of operation chosen above.
- If closed route calls to: This destination will receive incoming calls from the business hour rule only during the 'closed' hours of operation chosen above.
- Click "Save".
Important: Please be aware, if you intend all of your incoming calls to be routed through the business hour rule then you must assign the phone numbers and extensions for these incoming calls to the business hour rule, NOT the destinations. For example, if you want to route calls to your main attendant menu when you are open, then assign the phone number to the business hour rule.
Editing Business Hour Rules
- Select the "
" next to the rule you wish to update.
- Click "Edit" to make any needed changes.
- Edit the name and time zone as you would like
- Choose your new open and closed hours of operation, keeping aware that these are the settings that affect where an incoming call is routed.
- Select the destinations for where the business hour rule should route calls while your business is 'open' and 'closed'.
- When you're finished making changes, click on "Save changes".
If you want to delete a Business Hour Rule, click on the “” icon beside the rule name you want to remove. Please note, once this is deleted it cannot be recovered.
Please Note: You can view the Business Hour Rules in two views, List View and Grid View. You can go between the two by selecting the list and grid options at the top right.